Ermm...I've got no idea what title to put for this post. September had been an extremely uneventful month apart from the one and only big event--final exams! No life for almost one whole mth coz everything revolved around studies and text books.=.= We had a mid-sem break earlier on so our semester was also xtended for 2 weeks. Our exam started right after everyone else finished theirs...and Raya break was in between of our exams...yea...we're very 'special' indeed!
Finally finished our exams 2 days ago and we're having one week's break before the revision class starts. And so...the first semester is finally over...4 mths seemed to passed by pretty quick. I still remember when we first started this semester...Rachel & I was constantly comparing and complaining about the hectic study life here...and dreading for this semester to end...haha!! In fact, we're still not quite done with this semester yet...coz the big exam will be in 2 more months to study the same 3 subjects...ahhh!!
Here are some random pics that I took recently...

Course committees, my classmates, and the college (the lecture hall looks like it's somewhere in the jungle)

We visited one of our relatives at the hospital and guess what we did while we were waiting...haha!! The hospital was so high we decided there's no need to wear a mask!