Oh my...just when I thought work would be less hectic in March, another month flew by in the blink of an eye!! Now that it's already 3 months after our wedding and I've got more trips coming up soon, I shall wrap up with this final wedding post.
28 December 2013 (Saturday): ♥ East Meets West Wedding Dinner ♥
28 December 2013 (Saturday): ♥ East Meets West Wedding Dinner ♥
After an eventful and busy morning, we had only 2 hours of rest before we started prepping for the dinner. We decided on having our wedding dinner at CRC restaurant instead of a hotel mainly because of the food, after all we Penang people care more about the food than ambiance...haha!! No fancy decor, no fancy props, just simple good food. K.I.S.S. =P The only few things left to do was to put up the backdrop, play the slideshows, brief the band, arrange the wedding favors, and greet the guests. Once again, thanks to our awesome family and friends for helping out with all these prep work. =)
Our wedding favors - coasters 'imported' all the way from Beijing. =P I can't say that these are the best gifts but they are definitely filled with lotsa thoughts and effort. In fact, it was quite an impromptu decision to get these coasters as wedding favors. The story started with me traveling to Beijing for work last September and saw these coasters when I went to Silk Market over the weekend. After doing some research online and asking Daniel's opinion, I went back to the same place again after work one day and managed to bargain for a pretty good price. So I decided to buy 55 sets of these wooden coasters, carried 3 heavy bags filled with coasters, took the subway, and walked back to my hotel...ALONE. Lol...all the crazy things I do. Initially I was planning to fit all these into my backpack and bring 'em back to Malaysia but it wasn't a good idea coz I was traveling straight to Sabah for a family trip right after I flew back from Beijing. Fortunately, my boss was kind enough and did me a huge favor by helping me bring back 2 boxes of coaster...in business class...thanks Guat Im! =P In order to 'personalize' these gifts, SIL got someone to print out the heart-shaped stickers then mom, grandaunt, and I started a 'production line' at home to stick the stickers onto each coasters. Lastly, Josh, Shalinni and Wey Shin helped to arrange them on each table. Yeah this was definitely a collective effort. =) Once again, thanks everybody for all the help! Hope that all our guests liked it and find this gift practical. =P
Random happy jolly photos of guests' arrival. =)
A night where family and friends gather to celebrate our special day. Such a great gathering opportunity but I was too busy being the bride...lol!!
The one and only family photo that we took that evening before the march-in. =)
Family march-in
Bride & groom march-in. ♥
Some pics of what went on at the main table during the dinner.
More happy jolly pics during the dinner. =)
Champagne popping = Success :P
Toast to thank all the guests for attending and sharing this memorable day with us. =)
Thanks Anna for the wonderful speech. =)
Thanks Sheng for sharing our 'story' with a bit of exaggeration...haha!!
Thanks to both our siblings for the humorous, sincere and touching speeches.
Not many people know about our story coz we spent most of our time together virtually over the past 5 years, so I wanted this slideshow to convey our LDR story. =) P.S. This is just a slideshow without any music.

Took me months to complete this 6 min 36 seconds slideshow. From finding and scanning bunch of our old photos, matching both our childhood photos (if you noticed), searching through all the pics that we've taken together over the past 5 years, putting them into a story in both English and Mandarin, customizing the animation and transition for each frame, picking the songs, editing and matching the songs to the videos...this project took almost 6 months and was only completed 2 days before the wedding. =P Phew...mission accomplished!!
Yam Seng with parents' friends
Yam Seng with relatives
Yam Seng with colleagues and friends.
Friends (KH primary, JS high school, TAR college, Malaysian UGRADers, China Rushers)...
...for joining us in celebrating our love, friendship, laughter, and family as we embark on this new adventure together. =) We're honored to have shared this meaningful day with y'all!!