Dec 9 (Thurs): Penang-Bangkok
Bangkok was our first destination outside Malaysia. The original plan was for bro to join us in Bangkok and we've also bought the air tickets and booked the hotel for 3 person. But there were some last minute changes to our plan, bro forfeited this trip to stay home and help out at home.
Took an evening flight. By the time we arrived Bangkok, the sky was already dark.
Checked into our hotel...Sawasdee Sukhumvit Inn.
Dec 10 (Fri): 'Wat'-evers Day
Honestly, I don't really know much about Bangkok...all i knew was that it's famous for shopping & temples. Too bad, I'm neither a big fan of shopping nor I asked him to prepare a list of places that he wanted to visit. :p If you haven't noticed from my Penang post, he is very very very interested in temples. =.= That's the weird thing about we people, we always like things that are different from what we normally see. Btw...there are sooo many Wats (temples) in you know how I came up with this title.
Breakfast at the hotel before we start the day.
Took a cab from our hotel to our first stop...WAT Mahathat.
Our next destination was just across the street. Saw some Thai students, street food hawker as we were walking. It's not easy to cross the road in Bangkok ler!
The Grand Palace. This place was hugeee...took us 2 hours to see this place. The ticket costs 350 baht per person. I didn't know that it was free for the locals...or else I could have just walked in together with other Thais and got in for free since I look like Thai. =.=
WAT Phrakaew inside the palace.
No idea what's the name of all these structures...too lazy to refer to the map. :p
Cool drawings on the wall. I was too bored so made him pose. :p
They really like gold color huh!
I guess this is the palace.
Couldn't stand the heat anymore so went straight into Au Bon Pain for food & aircon. :)
Continued walking to another WAT.
WAT Pho...sleeping buddha.
Wanted to take a boat across Chao Phraya river to Temple of the Dawn but we were both tired so decided to just take a picture and head back.
Traffic jam on our way back bcoz of these red-shirt ppl...dont know what they are up to this time around.
Dec 11 (Sat): No Wat Day!!
Bought a day-pass for 120 baht and traveled around the city on the skytrain.
Traffic in Bangkok is always busy.
Vimanyek Mansion. Good that they don't allow us to take photos in the mansion...if not i'll have even more pics to edit...hehe! :p
Lunch at Siam Paragon. Mr. American had american fast food again. =.= I let him try my tomyam noodle...actually just the squid (without the soup) and he said it was too spicy...lao beh la!
Jim Thompson's House Museum. He was a rich silk trader in Thailand and disappeared in Cameron Highlands...haha...'good job' Malaysia! :p No photos allowed inside the house = less work for me...hehe! :p
Chatuchak weekend market. It's just like our pasar malam here but the amount of people there were just crazy. Look at all those cars parking there! Daniel thought it was pretty interesting coz they don't have this kinda 'market' there.
Dec 12 (Sun): Last day in Bangkok
A pic of our hotel. =) Bought the skytrain day-pass again.
MBK Plaza. Kinda like Sungai Wang...nothing new to me but this angmoh has never seen so many shops and people in a mall...welcome to Asia. :p
Mr Daniel's favorite 'place of interest' in Bangkok...Soi Cowboy & Nana Plaza...aka Bangkok's Red Light District. =p Lotsa neon lights, gogo bars, girls & ladyboys in sexy/skimpy outfit...pretty interesting. Those girls/ladyboys didn't kacau him much coz they probably thought he already got one!! Do I really look so Thai?!?!