15-17 Sept 2012 (Sat - Mon): ChinaRush-themed Weekend Getaway!
After bidding farewell with all the China Rush people 5 months ago, we decided to make a trip back to Shanghai last weekend to meet up with all the friends that we've met during the race and joined the viewing party for Episode 4. Thanks to the race, we now have a lot of friends in Shanghai...haha!! =D We chose to travel last weekend coz it's Malaysia Day weekend and we've got Monday off, that means we didn't have to take leave. =)
Some people may think that we're insane to travel all the way to Shanghai for such a short weekend but the point is we've enjoyed this Amazing Race journey so much that we want to meet up with all our friends to watch at least one live broadcast together before the show ends. Well y'all may not understand this insanity...nvm. =P Our 3D2N trip was jam-packed with lotsa meet-ups and gathering but it was a very fulfilling and fun-filling trip. =)
Took an overnight flight from Penang to Shanghai. This was my 5th trip to Shanghai within a year...lol!!
Big thank you to Nick for hosting us over the weekend at his cosy apartment! =)
Had lunch with Lei Sheng & Nick. Lei Sheng also travelled all the way to Shanghai form Fuzhou over the weekend. Thanks Lei Sheng for the lunch treat! =)
Lei Sheng brought us around TianZiFang for a stroll after lunch. Spotted some Matryoshka dolls in one of the shops...haha!!
Went to Lei Sheng's hotel to catch the Chinese version of Episode 3 on Dragon TV...finally got to watch ourselves on live TV broadcast...hahaha!!
Yating invited us over to her house for home-made dinner...a dinner filled with lotsa laughters. =) Had a great time hanging out with her again after the race...she's still as bubbly as ever...good times!!

As part of our gathering marathon, we also met up with 2 UGRADers in Shanghai (Cherry & XiaoTing) for brunch at Maya. It has been 3.5 years since we last met in the re-entry workshop in Washington DC...thanks to Cherry for organizing this gathering and XiaoTing for the treat. =)
Knowing that we would be in town for the weekend, ICS arranged for us to attend a local radio show (FM93.4 轻松集结号) to promote the show.
Ours was pre-recorded and will be aired early October. Luckily ours wasn't live on air...our Mandarin definitely needs to be edited...lol!! Thanks to the DJs (ChenXi & XiaoMa) for having us on the show. =)
Trainers and us shooting some promo for ICS.
The Trainers did the live show from 5-6pm while we listened to it live next door. =P
Had Taiwanese cuisine for dinner with some production crew after the radio show at Charmant. Thanks to the girls for the treat!! =) Coincidentally, we had dinner at the same place same table with Henry, Jenn, and Brandon few months back...haha!!
We then went to Shanghai Brewery for the viewing party of Episode 4. Kudos to Henry & Jenn for organizing this awesome viewing party! It was great to see everyone again after so long and it was fun watching the show together. We were so busy catching up with so many people during the commercial breaks and one hour was really too short!!! =.=
Quite a lot of people turned up for this viewing party and 5.5 teams were there. =) The 'stars' for the night...Henry & Jenn (Newlyweds), Nick & Brandon (Neighbours), Lei Sheng & WeiWei (Trainers), Yu Ping & Yu ChenJing (Father-Daughter), Khai Sheng & Khai Shing (Twins), Ryan (Harvard), Allan Wu! Credits to Selena for these pics. Looking forward to see more pics for the finale on Nov 11.

Brunch with Brandon before he sent us off to the airport.
That's all for our short ChinaRush weekend getaway. Finally managed to bring back our Yanji souvenirs. Time to work on my EP4 behind-the-scenes update.
From this "meet-up", I know who are the top 2 teams for CR3! ;)
Haha...we'll find out if you've guessed correctly on Nov 11. =P
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