I've abandoned my blog long enough...pardon me for my long absence. :p Peak is finally over and I'm now officially recruited into Dell's regional team. That means I'll be working on this client at least till next March but I reckon this would be a good platform to learn something different. Being put in this position has taught me an important lesson - to be happy or sad...it's all about your own perspective and how you choose to look at a situation. =)
Now that peak and exam is over, it's time to color up my life again. :p As you see from the title of this post...I fully utilized my weekend to do some twincredible stuff. :p Coincidentally, both events were held in Penang Times Square so I practically spent my entire weekend at the same place (believe or not this was my first time there).
June 11 (Sat): AXN Big Challenge Prelim in Penang
I knew I wanted to try this out the moment I saw the ad on AXN. And the best person I could think of to make a team was my bro coz it's not easy to find people who are crazy like me. :p We had to submit a pic for the application and this was what we submitted.
Yes, it was my idea to do this crazy pose...it turned out to be a pretty cool pic that served multi-purpose. :p My dear friend asked why I take pic with my leg buka-buka...thanks for the very awkward question that left me speechless. =.=
I was actually contemplating if I should blog about this now coz the KL prelim is still not over yet. But then again, my blog is not popular so whoever is hardworking and kiasu enough to do research about this challenge...then lucky you if google brought you here. :p After all, this challenge requires fitness and luck...sorry that my blog can't help in either of these. :p
We were only informed to wear sports attire and sports shoes...totally no idea what we were gonna do for this prelim round. I thought there would be some running around the mall but when I got there, it was already quite 'lao juak' and some participants were already doing push-ups and sit-ups. Yup...the qualifying round was pretty quick & straightforward...just do as many push-ups & sit-ups within 30 seconds and they'll pick the top 10 teams out of 66 teams for the semi-finals...a lil' disadvantageous for teams with females though.
One of my friend said she was 'inspired' by this...are you kidding me???? This is not a good example okay...my abs was sore for few days as a result of this 30 seconds. :p

This pic is just to show that we were there at the challenge. :p Btw, we had a very 'gao bin puih' team name...called "Twincredibles"!! =) If you were wondering why I wore a trackpants instead of shorts...it was because this pants had pockets...and I thought we may need pockets to keep our stuff. :p
Our supporter team. We were the only team with supporters from beginning till the end.
The top 10 semi-finalists. I reckon we did a pretty good job for the qualifying round huh? :p If you haven't noticed, there were only 2 girls were in the finals.
With the emcees for the event...Jentzen & Vanessa. All semi-finalists were asked to change into the AXN Big Challenge T-shirt. Mine was totally oversized coz they only had 'L'.
Had to ride this mini bike to go around the course. Bro's long leg was definitely not good this time...haha!!
Had to climb up & down 6 times to collect all the puzzle pieces. Definitely not easy coz 3 teams couldn't complete this challenge and I was the first female who managed to complete this task in the AXN Big Challenge. =)
Oh yeah...we're one of the top 3 teams that will be advancing to the finals in KL!
Cya'll in KL in one week's time.
June 12 (Sun): Twins Party
Since bro was already back for the weekend, I thought we might as well just go for this twins party at Times Square. Besides, we've never participated in anything like this before so I thought it would be quite interesting. We submitted our photo on fb earlier for the most popular twins contest..and of course we didn't win...but still thanks to everyone who have 'liked' our pic. It was pretty cool to see so many twins there...from newborn babies to 57 year-old uncles. =)
The winners for the Most Look Alike twins...so cute right??