Sunday, December 30, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008~~!!!!!
Itz coming to the end of 2007...It is always at this time when everyone starts to recap those memorable moments during the year. As for me, 2007 had been a pretty exciting year!! I’ve had the chance to experience quite a lot of memorable and meaningful moments and I’m really really thankful for everything!!
My PROUDEST Moments!!
~ Graduated diploma with CGPA of 4.000 and received the book prize award…2 winners from my course in Penang and I was one of them… appeared on newspapers too…Hehe…sounds like I’m showing off ler…yukss!! :p
My NEW Life!!
~ Came down to KL for Advanced Diploma and rented an apartment. Shared a master bedroom with 2 other friends…there have been some ups and downs living together but hopefully things will get better. :( But I’m definitely more independent now…Haha!!
~ College life has been pretty exciting coz I was voted as the course rep of my course with almost 400 students…lots of responsibilities and lots of things to deal with. I was also voted as the chairperson of the Financial Accounting Society. As compared to other students…I’m a lil’ busier…some of my course mates knew that and have been helping out quite a lot…very grateful for that! But itz disappointing when my ‘friends’ who knew me most didn’t seem to be willing to understand! :( Well…what to do…thatz the price to pay for being ‘busier’!!
~ Received my result for the 1st semester…got a B+ because of the STUPID new grading system…or else I would have maintained 4.0…Sui larr!! Everything’s getting tougher…hope that I can cope with everything!! Gambatte!!!
My CRAZY Deeds!!
~ Attended 5 concerts….LeoKu & MiriamYeung’s New Year Concert, David Tao’s Concert, LeeHom’s Heroes of Earth Concert and Emil’s Wakin 20 Concert and GCMA Live Party….Haha!!!
~ Met artists up close in person…Attended LeeHom’s After Concert Celebration Party at Mandarin Oriental Hotel…took photo with him too!! Attended HanaKimi’s fans gathering at Berjaya Times Square Hotel and met WUCHUN & Danson…shook hands with both of them and stood beside Chun while taking photo…hahaha….UNBELIEVABLE!!
~ Watched HanaKimi during sem break and ‘fell in love’ with WuChun…he’s the 1st person who made me so crazy over an idol…OMG…so unlike me larr!! Watched all his shows (Tokyo Juliet and Romantic Princess)…saved lots of his pics in my laptop…and the 1st thing I do every time I surf the net is to check out his blog…I admit…I’m a super fan of WuChun!! (seems like many of my course mate also knew this…oops!)
~ Participated in the Inter-Campus Sports Carnival…won 2 GOLD medals for 50m and 100m breaststroke…but too bad…lost my medals when my bag was stolen. :(
~ Went for the MICPA Management Simulation Game at UKM and won the 1st runner-up…not bad!! :)
My TOUGH Luck!!
~ Lost my bag recently…had to spend time to replace most of the things…very troublesome but itz not that bad too coz I got everything new…Haha!!
~ Had good feeling for a guy…we spent quite a lot of time chatting and sms-ing…but things didn’t work out coz we’re just 2 very different people. Prefer to focus on studies for now…unless I meet someone who’s ‘good enough’…like WuChun…Hahaha!! Dreaming lol…Wakaka!!
My BEST Present!!
~ Won a trip to attend Backstreet Boys’ Showcase in Hawaii!! This is really the best present that I’ve ever received and how wonderful it is to wrap up year 2007 with such an awesome surprise!!!
Bye bye 2007….and Welcome 2008!!!
Hope that 2008 will be another GREAT YEAR for me…Yeah!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Bad Luck...Sad!!
I'm back in Penang lo! Actually I planned to come back next week for New Year....not X'mas. It was really a last minute decision coz I received the call from Sony BMG's staff earlier this week regarding the trip to Hawaii. We're gonna transit at Osaka so...had to get a transit visa...and they need my passport number. Too bad my passport has expired so mum asked me to come back to renew it this week.
I came back alone on Thursday afternoon...didn't manage to get any earlier bus ticket. As usual, the bus was late again and so I had to wait at the terminal. U know lar...Puduraya...such a congested place...especially during holiday season. I wasn't sure how long I had to wait and my bag was pretty I put my bag on the floor right beside me...a backpack, document bag with my laptop inside and another plastic bag. After waiting for more than half an hour...I suddenly realized that my backpack was missing!!!! OMG...just a split second and my bag is gone...DAMN!!! Someone has stolen my bag!!! It was impossible to find the thief in pudu and it was also time to board the bus...what to do...just felt helpless lo!
Luckily my laptop and purse wasn't stolen...PHEW~~!! There weren't much valuable things in my backpack...but some of the things stolen was my favourite was really troublesome losing so many things all at once!! But looking at the good side...I was lucky enough not losing my laptop, handphone and purse....or else it would be much much more troublesome...I bet the thief would be so pissed after opening up my bag...Haha!! People always say...'旧的不去,新的不来'...I should be glad to be able to get some new stuffs but I doubt whether I can do so...mum's the financial controller... :(
So...I hope I can shop for some things in Japan and Hawaii...yeah!!!
Hawaii Trip:
Jan 7 - 9.35pm: KL-Singapore-Osaka
8 - 7.00am: Transit Osaka
-10.00pm: Osaka-Honolulu
- 8.05am: Arrival at Hawaii
10 - 7.30pm: Backstreet Boys Showcase @ Hawaii Convention Center
12 - 8.05am: Honolulu-Tokyo
13 - 1.40pm: Tokyo-KL
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Now....Imagine.... HAWAII + BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!
14.12.07….4.58pm…This is the MOMENT…the GREATEST MOMENT ever in my life!!! Guess what…I’m going to HAWAII!!! (scream~~~!!!) No joke....3 days 2 nights to see BACKSTREET BOYS in Hawaii….and itz FREE(apart from meals lar...)!!! (scream again~~!!) OH MY GOD...this is soooooooo UNBELIEVABLE!! Words can’t express how HIGH, HAPPY and EXCITED I am right now!!
This was what happened just now…
We came back to college after the factory visit at around 4.50pm…. Then YunWan, HueyLing and I were walking to get our cars together. On the way, I received a call from a number that starts with 03-xxxxxxxx. But when I picked up the phone, the line was cut off…Oh No!! I got into my car, plugged in the hands free…and waited for the person to call back coz I wasn’t sure who the one calling was. And finally after a few minutes…I received the call from the same number. I picked up the phone and it was Nic on the line… Oh Gosh…am I the grand prize winner??? He asked whether I wanna go see BSB…whether I wanna go to Hawaii…and then…he said… ‘CONGRATULATIONS….you’re the winner and you’ve won yourself a 3 days 2 nites trip to Hawaii to see BSB!!!’ All I could say at that moment was…THANK YOU THANK YOU…and THANK YOU….to NIC and 988!!! He told me the details about the trip…and we chatted for a while…it was really nice talking to him coz he’s very friendly…Haha!! J Wow…I didn’t expect to win this and it was really a huge surprise!! This is the best ever Christmas and New Year present that I ever had…“a trip to Hawaii”…AWESOME!!!
Today has been a great day!! We went for the factory visit trip to Vitagen and Ajinomoto…faced some problems with the arrangement of the bus but managed to get one at least…and managed to reach the factory on time. Everything throughout this entire day was very smooth and everything went according to schedule…all the students were very cooperative, punctual and well-behaved…that makes my job much easier. I am very glad to see that you guys have participated actively in the Q&A session and I hope you guys have enjoyed yourselves this trip. It has been fun to mix around with ya all and I hope that we’ll have more chance to organize more trips in the future!! Thank ya all very much!! I really appreciate it!!
Exam’s coming in one month’s time and seems like time’s running out… Hope that I can focus well on my studies and I really hope that I can do well for this sem… Same to all my coursemates as well!! Gambatte ooo!!! Cheers!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
It has been a year since I last participated in the Inter-Campus Sports Carnival swimming competition. Wow...really can't believe how time flies!! This year, I am in for the competition again but representing SBS, not Penang anymore.
Managed to win 2 gold medals for breastroke this time...same like last year. But I messed up my 50m butterfly...dropped my goggles...too bad!! :(
I spent my entire Sunday in the college...chatted with some friends from Penang...watched their competition...had dinner with them and threw my books aside even though I was gonna sit for my audit test on Tuesday. Thatz why I didn't do well for the test...Oh No!! :(
I really missed those days that I had last year and it was indeed a very memorable trip for me! Penang was the overall champion this year and I'm happy for them...what a waste coz I'm not in the team anymore!
Will upload more photos after I've received them...
Chinese version here: it out!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
My table is constantly MESSY~!
I was back in Penang again just after 2 weeks! This is the 1st time that we drove back…just the 2 of us…bro and I…all the way from KL to Penang. It was a very short trip back for me and basically…I went back just for the Swimming Gala at CRC (Chinese Recreation Club).
SO UNLUCKY…Again?? – 18 Nov 2007
Went to aunt’s house on Sunday to meet up with brother to exchange car with him. Aunt was busy for the entire day so we just spent our whole afternoon doing our own stuff at the guestroom. But too bad…the power supply tripped so brother had to try to ‘repair’…cause aunt asked him to do so… What a waste of time!! Everytime I go to her house…there’s surely something that goes wrong… 1st time, the autogate spoilt…2nd time…the maid ‘ran away’…this time…power tripped!! Why so ‘sui’!!
Bro and I went for dinner at Mdm Kwan’s restaurant near Bangsar Village after that and both of us spent RM50 over for our dinner…OMG!!! So expensive!! Itz all bro’s fault!!! :p
It was mum’s birthday but we didn’t celebrate together cause mum and dad was in Beijing enjoying their holiday and I was in KL studying. I managed to sent them off at the airport before I came back to KL but I didn’t give mum any present as it was still early and I have been busy with my assignment most of the time when I was back in Penang. I’ve been working on this video for a few weeks even before I went back but didn’t manage to complete it on time.
This video is my ‘present’ for Mum this year. I used Backstreet Boys’ song – ‘The Perfect Fan’ to make this video clip. Mum has been asking me to make the video clip that I did for Dad’s Birthday into karaoke…so this time I purposely created another karaoke version for this video clip…and guess what…I played the video and forced brother to sing this song with me when we went for karaoke at CRC…Haha...we gave mum a surprise!! :)
It Takes A Lot To Know What Is Love
A Lot Of Prayers To Get Me Through
You Were Always There For Me
*You Showed Me
God Has Been So Good
And I've Had Many Years Of Grace
I Wanna Thank You For What You've Done
You Showed Me How To Love
Finally, we’ve received our result slip for the last semester. No surprise…I’ve estimated roughly what I would get based on the grades that I’ve got earlier….3.85xx…. L One B+ and that’s what I got… A lil’ disappointed… Well…just accept the fact and work harder this semester lol!… Advance Diploma is definitely getting tougher and tougher and itz even harder to maintain good grades…especially under the NEW grading system!! Never give up…Keep fighting!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Life's Meant to be TOUGH~ :(
Classes have been going on as usual everyday and till now I still don't have the urgency to get myself studying...watz going on with me??!! Financial Management's lectures are still fine...but I've gotta start revising or I'll be left way behind! Audit...well...what should I say about it...I get sleepy everytime the lecturer starts 'teaching'!! HELP~~!!
I went to college on Sunday to meet up with the Penang debaters who came over for the inter-campus debate competition. I used to be one of them here last year and seeing them once again this year brought back those memories that we had last year. Itz kinda unbelievable that how time flies...can't imagine that one year has passed!! This year, they managed to get into the finals and I'm happy for them although it has got nothing to do with me...hehe!! Like last year, they didn't manage to emerge as the champion but they've all tried their best and this accomplishment is already good enough!!
I came back to Penang yesterday and this time I'm back for almost 5 days. But I can't really relax coz I've gotta complete my assignment within these few days...lots to do and I'm still struggling with it!! Itz driving me crazy!! This FM assignment is tough...and time is running out!! OMG!!
Received an email from Ms Geh today...itz about FAS... Gotta organize some activities before 2007 ends... Haih...gotta plan for it asap!! :(
I'm not feeling good drive to do anything :( Aarghh...can anyone help me get through all these!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Result's Released!!

And my results...Financial Reporting:A ; Taxation:A ; English:B+ :( !! A bit dissapointed coz I only managed to get B+ for English...but I should be satisfied coz I got As for the other 2 subjects... :) I'm still not sure what's the final grades yet coz this is the 1st time that they grade it this way... Anyway, congratulations to YunWan and PeiZhi!! Well Done guys!! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
School's Started lol...
Have been busy with the ordering of the books....aargh...some wanna order and some wanna cancel...very troublesome!! And the worst thing...the supplier...Oh Gosh...he's tough to deal with lar! So afraid that we won't pay...come on...need time to collect money one impatient for what...i won't run away with the money!!! :(
We'll be having 4 days' break tomorrow onwards...I won't be going back to Penang so I guess I'll just gonna spend my time watching some shows and do some reading....haha...haven't been touching my books yet these few days!! :p
Selamat Hari Raya...!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I'll Be Back Soon...!!'s over!!! Itz time to get back to college again after almost 4 weeks of holiday! Time to get serious and start studying! This semester is gonna be tougher...3 subjects to go!! Go go go~!!! Audit and Financial Management...aarghh!!! Hope that I can cope with these 2 subjects....gambatte!!
I've just received our timetable yesterday and too bad...we've got class everyday and the worst thing is that...there are 3 days where we only have one class to attend!! What a waste of time and $$!! :(
Itz always busier at the beginning of every semester…I’ve already got a few tasks to complete. First, gotta settle the audit text books…attend a meeting with ACCA external examiners on Tues…get the FR receipts…discuss about the certs with the other committees…etc….
We’ll be having 4 days’ Hari Raya break for the coming weekend but I won’t be going back to Penang coz itz kinda short…I’m sure KL will be ‘deserted’ for that few days!
I won’t be able to online so frequently anymore…haih~!! I’ll be back soon to update my blog! I’m considering to switch my blog to Wretch…coz I’m now having 2 blogs…Haha!! Crazy huh??!
Bye bye lo…Penang~!! Ciao!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fahrenheit~...Wu Chun...Awesome!!!!!
Date:24 Sept 2007
Venue:Bukit Jalil National Stadium

Haha...u guys might think that I'm insane rite?? Yaya...I am...hehe!! Itz only because I'm having my holidays...thatz why I could do this kind of 'thing'. I got 2 tickets for this concert...went down all the way from Penang to KL just to watch this concert...what a waste of money huh!! This is the 1st time that Fahrenheit is here together in M'sia to perform and the best thing is...Wu Chun was here as well!! I've really enjoyed myself during the was great!! :)
I've got a video for Fahrenheit's performance but itz not very clear...check it out here:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 a 'tour guide'..??
Yo…I’m back!!! Wow…seems so long since I last updated my blog! The reason….watelse other than preparing for my EXAMS :(….
Even though it’s only 3 subjects, but it’s not like diploma anymore…everything’s getting tougher (for me). But it feels good that it’s finally over and I’m now enjoying my 3 weeks’ sem break…Yeah!! :)
I’ve been spending my first few days of my holidays as a ‘tour guide’…coz I came back to Penang on Thursday with 3 of my classmates from Sabah…Renee, Kim & Tse Yeing. The moment we stepped down from the bus, it was raining quite heavily and 4 of us had only 1 umbrella…too bad!! What a ‘good’ start for this Pg trip…haha!!
14 September 2007:
9.30am: We started our journey by crossing the Penang Bridge…and…bad luck again…we were stucked in a jam for 1 hour!! :(
Penang Bridge - Construction In Progress
1.00pm: After lunch, I took them to Kwang Hua Press to meet the ‘988开心车队’. Haha…it was definitely my idea and they just followed! We played some games and won some freebies…3 of them just stood aside at first but Kim was picked by the crew to play so they just joined in…hehe!! We also met DJ Mike who was driving the taxi in conjunction with the ‘搭上988的士’. Haha… I’m like nuts huh!! Never mind larr…these little things does bring me some surprises and happiness…that’s what matters most!
2.30pm: We went to Kek Lok Si…just look look see see lol…nothing much there. It started raining ‘again’ after that. :(
3.30pm: Air Itam Dam…still raining…

I wanted to bring them to Penang Hill but the weather was really bad so we ended up at Prangin Mall…coz itz indoor. We went to New Lane for dinner and had a sumptuous dinner…but we forgot to take a picture until we finish eating…aargh!!!
15 September 2007:
11.00am: It’s raining again today. :( Our 1st destination was Youth Park…then Botanical Garden (didn’t go in coz raining).
Youth Park
12.30pm: After that, I took them to Batu Ferringhi…there wasn’t many people on the beach because of the Tsunami warning these few days…
7.00pm: I got the tickets for a music party at Queensbay so I went for it. The artists who were there were…曹格,侧田,林宇中,金莎,动力火车,陈柏宇….. The concert was great but it was such a waste coz it was raining for the whole night… 3 of them went in to Queensbay Mall for window shopping coz Kim was sick.
16 September 2007:
It is still raining today…3 days consecutively…that’s really rare coz it seldom rains like this in Penang… So we didn’t go anywhere except bringing them to buy some biscuits.
17 September 2007:
Itz the end of our Penang trip and I admit...I’m quite a lousy ‘tour guide’ coz we didn’t managed to go to quite some tourist attractions…partly because of the RAIN!!
But we did manage to taste quite a lot of Penang Food and also ‘see some celebrities’…haha!! :)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Finally...some photos!!
Check out the link to my photo album at Wretch to see more photos ya!!
MICPA Management Simulation Game @ UKM - 1st runner-up
My 20th Birthday with group 12
Monday, August 20, 2007
Once again...thank you!!
I’m officially ‘older’…coz my age is gonna start with a ‘2’ from today onwards!! And this year’s birthday is kinda different because this is the 1st time I’m celebrating birthday in KL. I’m also spending my weekend all alone here coz my roommates are back to hometown this week (in case you’re wondering…I didn’t go back coz I just went back 2 weeks ago and I’m also having a forum on Saturday.) But, the good thing is, I get to have some time for myself and moreover, I’m not lonely coz I’ve got my friends celebrating this special day with me!!
We had our last lecture for the week on Thursday and I got a surprise from Kenzy…guess what…he made an announcement in front of the whole lecture hall that it’s my birthday tomorrow and asked everyone to sing birthday song for me!! Oh gosh…what a surprise!! I didn’t know how to react coz this is the first time that over 300 people sang birthday song for me!! Wow…thanks to everyone and also Kenzy for helping to ‘promote’ my birthday…hehe!!
I met up with bros for dinner and ‘big bro’ treat us Japanese buffet dinner at Saisaki. The environment was nice and there were so many varieties of food that I didn’t even know which to choose. The food was delicious but I couldn’t really eat much coz I was so full! Thanks Bro!! We dropped ‘big bro’ at his hotel and he passed us our presents from mum…haha!! Thanks mummy!!
Finally, it was 12am and I received a couple of birthday wishes from my friends and coursemates…thanks ya all for staying up late to send me a msg!! Really grateful to receive all your messages!!
I didn’t have any classes on Friday and I also didn’t plan to go anywhere. Actually, I planned to join GengQian (my classmate during secondary) for lunch at Pizza Hut and then spend my afternoon studying there. But around 12, Yuki called and asked me to join them for lunch at KFC and asked me to get prepared coz they’ll come and fetch m. Grp 12 has planned to celebrate one of their classmate’s birthday also. I was told that I’m supposed to be the ‘surprise guest’ coz the others from grp 12 didn’t know that I will be going so they were really surprised when I reached. Yuki managed to bluff them about my presence and she was ‘scolded’ by her friends for that…it was fun though!! Even though I didn’t really know many of them, I didn’t feel awkward because they were all so friendly and funny!! It was very fun to be with them and this is really my first time celebrating birthday with so many NEW friends!! They bought a cake for each of us and I also received a present from them!! You guys have really made my 20th birthday a very memorable and special day to remember and I’m very happy to know everyone of you!! Thank you very much…grp 12!!
In the afternoon, GengQian came over and bought a cake for me. At 10pm, Chian Zi and Pey Ling (classmates during secondary) called me and asked me out to ‘yum cha’ at ‘Old Town’. They also bought a cake for me and it was great to meet up with them for the first time since I came down to KL. After that, I also met up with YihChuin (Tarc Pg classmate) and some others from grp 7 at Steven’s Corner…and she also bought me a cake!!
I’ve had a very enjoyable and memorable 20th birthday and I really wanna thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart!! You guys are AWESOME!! Friendship Forever!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thank Ya All!!
Finally, everything's over.. Have been pretty busy lately for the preparation of the event to welcome Mrs. Gillian Ball and also the test which was just over.
We went for the MICPA Management Simulation Game at UKM last Friday and managed to get 1st runner-up for it...well done to my teammates!! Also wanna congratulate the others who won in other games...and for those who didn't win, itz great to see you guys participating and itz really a good try!!
To all the FAS committee members, really thank you all so much for helping out so much in the 'Gillian Ball' event!! U guys have really done your part very well and I'm really impressed by everyone of you! This event was a great success and it wouldn't have been so without every single one of you!! WELL DONE!!
To all the models and helpers, thank you for volunteering and waking up so early. Really appreciate all your help and hope that u guys will continue to support us for any events in the future!!
Also wanna thank Ms Geh for helping us (the new committees) so much in everything!!
Actually, I've got lotsa photos that I wanna upload here but I don't have internet here so maybe will have to wait some time to post some photos...
I've uploaded some photos and a video in Wretch...still learning how to use it...I'll compile all my photos and upload all perhaps after exams... I've got a link to it...check it out!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
H@PpY BiRthD@y, DADDY!!!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Emil Chow's Concert~!!

20 years...exactly my age...and itz kinda unbelievable that Emil Chow is already in the entertainment industry for 20 years!! Yeah i know...he's not my era and I shouldn't be the one watching his concert right?? But actually, I do know quite a number of his songs because he has got so many hit songs over the past 20 years... And I'm lucky enough to win 2 free tickets for it!!
I met up with bros and Eileen yesterday and bro also bought 2 tickets for the 4 of us went together. The biggest mistake that we made was not driving there...instead we took the lrt and found out that it was a completely a wrong choice!! We were almost late coz we reached at 8.10pm and the concert started at 8.15pm...luckily!!
This time...I was quite surprised that our seat were pretty good...we were seated at the 2nd row behind the VVIP area...and we could see him quite clearly...Awesome!! But it was kinda boring in the middle coz I didn't know those songs. But the last part was good coz he sang all those hit songs. The concert lasted for more than 4 hours and it was definitely worth ended at about 12.30am with the song 'Peng You'. His guests for this concert were Nicholas Teo, Victor Wong & Li Zhi Qing.
One thing that I'm quite unhappy was that bro insisted on leaving the concert in the middle to drive the car over...he was the one who wanted to watch this concert and I he really missed quite a lot. 2nd bro was the one who was supposed to go coz it's alrite for him not to watch...and moreover...we got our tickets for free. Eldest bro spend hundred over for a ticket and he missed the part where Emil sang lots of hit songs...too bad!! Guys...please don't be so egoistic...there're times that your decision might not be the best!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
It's now the 7th week of my 1st semester here...soooo fast!! Have been kinda busy with tutorials, assignments(haven't started yet!) and still need to put more effort to revise coz till now...I'm still a bit lost...OMG!!
We had an AGM for Financial Accounting Society(FAS) on Wed and the main elect the new batch of committee members... And guess what..I was voted as the Chairman...!!! Quite surprised and shocked...really thanks to those who've voted for me...I'll definitely do my very best!! That life will be much much more hectic soon!!! Oh gosh...really hope that I can survive and get through it!! By the way, congratulations to the other 9 committees as well!! Hope that we can all work very well together!!
I'll be going to 2nd aunt's house tomorrow to meet up with bros...and we'll be watching Emil Chou's concert at Bkt Jalil tomorrow nite!! Won 2 tickets for that!! Yeah!!
By the way, my name appeared on last Sunday's 'The Star'...a very small caption...regarding the convo last photo was also on 'Kwang Hua' and some chinese newspapers...haha...feels awesome!!
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wu Chun~~!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
JSPO rockss~!!

Nice Formations!!
The winning team...smiles of Victory!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Home Sweet Home!!
Well,it has been 3 weeks in KL and what could I say...hmm...time passes by quite fast and itz great to see everything falling into places day after day... From appointing class reps, contacting supplier, selling text books, distributing bills & scholarship letters, collecting money, getting the name list...PHEW...finally...everything is almost done!! And thanks to all the course committee and class reps who have been so cooperative and you guys really helped me a lot!!! You guys have given me a great start here in this brand new place!! Hope that we can know each other better in future!!
I still haven't done my tutorials and I've still gotta prepare for the roleplay next week...OMG...I'm not sure whether I can finish them or not yet... I've been quite happy for the past week...of course...itz because I've got my results and ranked quite well in my course.. I'm looking forward to our convo on 7 July 2007...nice date huh?? It will be great to be back and meet some of my friends back in Penang...Yeah!!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
1st weekend ~ Bukit Bintang!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Result's Out~~!!!
2nd day!!
It the 2nd day of college and so far…everything’s still okay. Woke up quite late this morning… Attended another lecture this a’noon and I can’t believe I’m already feeling a bit bored during the 1st lesson!! Since yesterday, I’m feeling that itz kinda pressure to go to college coz I really completely have no idea of what I’m supposed to do as the course rep!! Why why why?? I’m from Penang branch and why am I doing this here?!?!? Everything’s still not confirmed yet and thatz why we can’t do lots of things yet…haih!! I hope the lecturer won’t be mad coz we don’t have the text books tomorrow…=.= Luckily, the other 3 guys are still able to help out since they have been in KL campus for the past 2 years…so they know a lot more than me!!
Went for work out at the gym downstairs this evening and also went for swimming with YunWan. Feels good to sweat!! Nothing much to do yet these few days coz we haven’t got our notes and books…so can’t study much yet.
First Day of Advanced Diploma!!
Itz kinda unbelievable that I’m already in KL now… Mum, dad n bro just went back yesterday and I’ve spent almost one day in this brand new place! Well…I personally felt that our room is very comfortable and our house also looks more like a home than a hostel…nice environment… So far, everything has been smooth and great..3 of us have been getting along very well!!
This morning we took a bus to college and we reached there earlier…so waited till 11am for our lecture. It was like a totally new place for us but luckily I still know roughly where I should go coz I came here before…but there’s still many places and things which I still don’t know...I guess I’ll have to take some time to explore..hehe!! We were given a short briefing at the beginning of the lecture and our seniors were here to elect the new course committee for year 1 Financial Accounting. Guess what, I was ‘lucky’ enough to be elected as the course representative…L And the assistant course rep, treasurer and printing manager were all guys…OMG!! HELP~~I don’t know what I’m supposed to do!!
Had one short lecture for biz tax and went home at 1pm…The rest of the day…stayed at home and haha…saw Chun & Danson’s newx on 8864 this afternoon & finally get to watch HanaKimi on 8tv today!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
HanaKimi Fans Gathering and Promo Tour~~!!!

Fans gathering...this is a bit blur...
Bro was too slow...only managed to capture the back of Danson while he was walking out from the ballroom.
This is my poster with their autographs...and my entrance pass.
HanaKimi Fans Gathering with WuChun & Danson was so AWESOME!!
Actually, I was supposed to reach the venue by 12.45pm but I left Setapak at 12.50pm...and the worst thing was was jammed and we wasn't really sure of how to reach there!! After hesitated for quite some time...bro and I decided to take the lrt and monorail...haih!! I was really late and was so afraid that i would be late for it coz we arrived at 1.40pm and basically...i juz ran all the way like crazy with my high heels~~!!!
I sat in the 4th row and there was altogether 50 fans and it was sort of like a press conference. Gary was the the 2 charming guys came in...he gave us some briefing...chose 6 fans to ask questions(I didn't have the chance)...asked us not to take photos...and we juz waited and waited and waited.....
Finally at 2.30pm...the moment that i've been waiting for...saw them coming in...seeing them so close was kinda unbelievable!! They are really CHARMING & HOT!! For the entire fans gathering session...they were very friendly and nice!! Wu Chun didn't forget to pose and say 'hi' to the fans who were taking his photo during the interview...i suppose he really 'electrify' many of us!!
1st of all, it started off with Gary interviewing both of them and asking some questions...both of them were cute and humourous!! After that, it was time for those lucky fans to ask both of them questions... The BEST part for me was when one of the fans asked Danson Tang Yu Zhe -- 'Watz Ur Impression About M'sian Girls?'...his answer was: 'laz nite when we went to 988 for the interview, the DJ let us hear some recordings of M'sian girls who called-in for a contest earlier on...and I realised that M'sian girls like to sing.' comes the exciting part...1st...he asked: 'Who r the ones who called-in for that contest?'.....then 10 of us sitting together raised up our hands....then the 2nd question: 'Who were the ones singing?'....then about 3 or 4 of us raised our hands....then the 3rd question: 'WHO WAS THE ONE SINGING THE ENGLISH SONG?'...and of course...I was the only one raising my hand...and I was also standing up at that time!! His response was like...Oohh...u're the one...and WuChun song!! I felt like I was at cloud nine at that time...coz I never xpected that he would ask about this at all... But i wasn't sure of how to response at that moment...haih...should have said something more!! Aarghh~~!! So...are you guys wondering what kind of song that i sung on air?? Haha...actually...I composed the song earlier on...just the melody without any lyrics....then i used 1 day to put in the lyrics coz in case i call-in for the contest...I would have something to say for the '表白'...and of chinese is I had to use english to fill in the lyrics... And I was lucky enough to be able to get through on the last night and I was suppose to 'biao bai' to Danson that night so...I just sang that song ON AIR~~OMG!! It would be even better if I could give this song to both of them...=.=
Okay...back to where we were juz now...after that...we took our turns to get the autographs of Chun and Danson on the posters and I was the laz 1...saw them so close in person and had the chance to shake both their hands!! Yeah~!! was time to take photo with them...we had 5 persons in a group for a when it was my turn...i stood right beside Wu Chun and it was GREAT!! I also passed him a card that I designed to guys must feel that I'm insane right??? Me too~~!!
The fans gathering ended at about 3.10pm and we were served Hi-Tea...but not many stayed back even though the food looks delicious!! Bro and I ate some...then went downstairs for the 签唱会. When we was already so packed and there wasn't anywhere which we could see the stage...imagine that...but we found a platform and bro was tall enough so he used the DV to capture the stage and i watched from the video screen...brilliant right?? Haha!! The 签唱会started very late and we left when they started to sign the autograph...
Well...I'm really happy and I really enjoyed myself a lot today...seeing WuChun so close in person...whatelse could i ask for?? I know that people will feel that I'm quite stupid to be a fan of someone who will never know who I am...but...I feel that life's short so...just enjoy every moment doesn't hold least I have something to look forward everyday and these small things really do lighten up my day...satisfaction and happiness...thatz what I get from them... Everyone has their own way of being happy...and right now...for me...this is something that can really put a smile on my face!!
Well...itz really a good ending for my 1 month's holiday!! Itz time to get back serious in my studies and keep striving for my advanced diploma!! College's starting in no time and I believe it would be great!! By the way, the results for my last semester of diploma might be released in about 2 weeks' time...i guess...and I really hope that I can graduate diploma with 4.0...God Bless!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Down To KL~~A Brand New Start!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
2006 U.S. & Taipei Trip
2.20pm: We departed from Penang International Airport and started our 4hour25 min journey to Taipei on CI0764 which was a bit packed. We had some mixed nuts as snacks and had our dinner (seafood pasta) at 4 something. I didn't sleep at all and juz listened to some songs, read some magazines and watched TV all the way. Luckily, there were chinese shows and songs coz we were taking China Airlines. Guesss what, I saw my economics tutor for the 1st semester, Ms Chin on the same flight! What a coincidence!! :)
6.50pm: We landed at C.K.S. International Airport and went to the transit lounge and mum made some phone calls back to M'sia. I was quite surprised coz it was very quiet and there wasn't many people around. The airport was quite big with 2 terminals and both were connected by the 'Sky Train'. At 8 something, we went through the immigration and while waiting for our flight to LA at 10.50pm, I strolled around and also online via the wireless network in the airport.
10.20pm: We boarded our plane to LA (CI8) after waiting for a few hours. This flight was quite full and there were quite a lot of 'Mat Salleh'. This is gonna be an 11hours flight and we are expected to reach at 7pm in LA. It'll still be May 9 coz US is about 15hours slower than M'sia. The worst thing is that the movie system is down, that movie at all for the whole journey!! 'sui'!! Ok la..I'm gonna try to sleep now, lights were off quite some time ago.
4.00pm: I'm already using the US time now so that I will get used as soon as possible. Too bad, for the past few hours, I couldn't really sleep even though I wanted to. About 3 hours prior to our arrival, we were served breakfast(omelette).
7.50pm: Finally, we've reached LA's airport!! We had to take a bus to transfer to the arrival hall. There were lots of people waiting to go through the immigration. We've completed all the procedures at 9pm but didn't see the person who was supposed to greet us at the airport.
9.30pm: We took a van to transfer to Wyndham Anaheim Hotel and I juz slept after taking a bath...I'm so sleepy already!!!
Chinese Version:
其实一直都很喜欢在飞机上的感觉,这一次是我19年里飞得最久的一次。这一次乘搭的是华航,虽然座位的却是窄了点,而且设备也不是很理想,可是期待的感觉却远远胜过其他的一切。 在飞机上,想睡都睡不着,或许是太兴奋了吧!
6.20am: Departed to Las Vegas on a coach. The journey was quite long and there isn't much to do. People from different parts in Asia joined the same tour with us. All the way, our tour guide, Harry gave a brief explanation about LA.
10.35am: After a few hours of journey, we stopped at 'Tanger Outlet' at Barstow. It's sort of like a factory outlet shops. We spent 1 hour there and bought a t-shirt for mum, a pair of socks and also a boots for me!! I loved it!! :)
11.45am: Our bus stopped for us to grab our lunch. Mum and dad had chinese food buffet at 'Asiamerica' while brother and I strolled around to get some fast food. We ended up buying 2 tacos and a big cheese burger for lunch at 'Jack In The Box', which I guess is quite a popular fast food chain in US. We also went into a supermarket to buy a loaf of bread before leaving. All these places were located along 'Route 66', which was considered as 'Historical Route'.
12.35pm: We continued our journey and saw a long stretch of desert along the way. This is my first time seeing a desert but it would be a bit bored as all I can see was just brown land with only tiny plants on it. At one place, we saw mirage which made the desert looked like there was a lake on it.
3.10pm: Finally, we reached Las Vegas. Itz really amazing to see such a modern city in the middle of a desert. The buildings were awesome and looks like something fake. We checked-in and rest for a while before proceeding to our night tour.
5.25pm: We took the bus to a fashion outlet first and had an hour of window shopping.
6.45pm: We went to Rio Hotel to watch the samba performance. The show was quite interesting but our main concern was to get the necklace thrown by the dancers. It was really exciting and we had fun there!
7.30pm: Next, we went to Caesar's Palace to watch a short show by the robots. The storyline didn't really attract me but the decorations around and the surrounding effects were beautiful! Caesar's Palace is a pretty big hotel and is beautiful but we just saw it from the outside only.
8.00pm: We went on to 'The Venetian' hotel after that. Inside the building, there was a miniature italy and even the sky looks real. There was a canal inside where real gondolas were moving around.
8.55pm: Next, we walked over the street to watch the volcano eruption in front of 'Mirage Hotel'. The waterfalls and the plants around it was beautiful, especially when all the lights are on.
9.10pm: Our last destination was 'Bellagio Hotel'. We saw a tropica garden with real flowers inside the hotel and took some photos. At 9.45pm, we went to the front part of the hotel and watched the musical fountain. It was really beautiful with all those lightings and beautiful buildings around it.
10.00pm: Our night tour ended and we went back to our hotel. Forgot to mention that we stayed in '4 Queens' hotel which was situated in the old town of Las Vegas. The new town is in fact the district where all the new and luxurious hotels are situated. We went for a walk along Fremont Street which is just behind our hotel and basically, there was casino almost everywhere. We bought some postcards and a t-shirt as souvenirs. I was already very tired after rushing to many places just now. Along Fremont Street, there was a huge and long canopy above and we saw some animations on the canopy.
12.30am: It was time to go back to hotel coz we were all tired already. I fell asleep very soon. Las Vegas is really a beautiful city and the night view and night life is really so exciting! Tomorrow will be Grand Canyon!!
Chinese Version:
踏入LA机场的时候,原本还以为会看到大部分都是洋人,可是却发现其实黄皮肤的人也真的蛮多的。LA跟大马最大的分别不能算是语言或是当地的人,我个人觉得是车子。美国是left-hand drive,所以在马路上行驶时是完全相反的,还有点不习惯。除此之外,LA基本上有很多高速公路,每辆车似乎都行驶得很快,驾得慢的人恐怕很难在这里生存咯!还有就是LA这个城市好像根本没有高楼大厦,全部建筑物都矮矮的。
不能不提到这边的天气,从机场出来,外边的天气感觉上就像大马的云顶,蛮凉爽的。可是美国很大,不同的地方都有不同的天气。第一天前往Las Vegas的路途中,导游介绍了几个地区和路名,包括Monterey Park (很多台湾人移民到这边居住,街上都有华人的商店,也被称为Little Taipei), Barstow (以前是盛产锡矿,可是当锡矿消耗完之后,唯一还保留着的地区就是Barstow), Route 66 (早前是最重要的公路,连接着Chicago和LA,全场两千多英里)。
到了Las Vegas,看到的建筑物都有独特的设计。白天的Las Vegas跟晚上的Las Vegas是根本不一样的。Las Vegas, 出名就是赌城还有entertainment,的确,不论你走到哪得角落都找得到大大小小的Casino. 这么多建筑物当中,最出名的包括:Mandalay Hotel, Wynn Hotel, Caesar's Palace, Stratosphere Tower, Mirage Hotel 等等。当夜晚来临时,整个城市都被五颜六色的灯光照亮,实在是太美了!除了风景美,到处都有不同的表演,真的是琳琅满目!喜欢night life的人绝对不能错过这个不夜城!!

11.05.2006 (Thursday): I'm now on our way back to LA and itz now the end of our 3 days 2 nights tour to Las Vegas and Grand Canyon. Itz 11.10pm now and Las Vegas is quite hot, 30 degree Celsius. I'll now write about our trip yesterday.
6.20am: It seems a bit early to depart but right here, it's like about 10 something in M'sia, very sunny and bright. We had some light breakfast and went on the bus for a long journey to Grand Canyon. Itz gonna be a 5 hours journey there so itz gonna be a bit tiring.
9.00am: On the way to Arizona, we passed through Hoover Dam and saw Lake Mead which was juz nearby. Lake Mead is the only place in this desert where people can have water activities. Hoover Dam is not as big as other dams because it was built in 1931 and along Hoover Dam, the surroundings is quite nice and special. Our bus had to go through inspection before we are allowed to go in due to safety reason. The road is winding and it looks dangerous because the dam is deep. We stopped and took some photos. We continued our journey after that. The journey was really boring coz all we could see was just desert and nothing else. Except when we were about to reach Grand Canyon National Park, there was a whole stretch of trees, which is quite nice and we couldn't see it back here.
1.00pm: Finally...finally!! We've reached Grand Canyon National Park! We walked for a short distance and reached the Rim of Grand Canyon. Wow!! Itz really huge and magnificent!! We are at the top and itz kinda scary to look down because itz really deep down there. All we can see is the brown mountain with different shapes. There were several spots for visitors to capture some nice photos. Actually, the trail is very long but we only stopped at 3 spots. Itz really awesome, no wonder itz one of the seven wonders.
1.45pm: We had pizza for lunch and then watched a 3-D movie at IMAX which was just beside Pizza Hut. The movie was about the history of Grand Canyon and itz quite exciting because it is 3D and we can really see Grand Canyon from the Colorado River, which is the only river flowing through it.
3.30pm: It was time to get back to Las Vegas and it was amazing coz I slept for about 4 hours throughout the entire journey! I didn't even go down the bus when we stopped at the rest house.
8.00pm: After a long nap, we reached our hotel. We quickly went back and then rushed down to take the shuttle bus to the Strip and we were so lucky to be just on time to board the bus.
9.20pm: We got down at the Mirage and walked to Treasure Island Hotel which was just around the corner. There'll be a show at 10pm and according to our tour guide, we need to reach 30 minutes earlier. There weren’t many people when we reached so we managed to get a good spot. We waited for more than half an hour!
10.00pm: The show started and once again the story is not so interesting. However, all the lightings and the pirate ship was nice. There were some dancing and acting by some muscular guys and also 'ren yao'. The show is called 'Sirens of TI'. During the show, i was amazed by the effect including the splash of water, the canonballs which caused a real hot fire and also the sinking of the pirate ship. I guess they must have spent lots of money to do all these. There were also some fireworks and it was really nice!
10.40pm: After the show, we took some photos there and walked along Las Vegas Boulevard where the streets are filled with hotels and beautiful night view. We took photos at The Mirage, Caesar's Palace, Eiffel Tower, Bellagio and so on. I am tired coz I had to wait for dad and bro to set up the camera. Luckily, I slept on the bus juz now.
12.30am: We took the bus to Luxor Hotel, which looks like a piramid to take some photos. At the top of the piramid, there was a high volt spot light which is really bright and we can see it even from a long distance away.
1.40am: We took the bus back to our hotel and at this time, we were tired and sleepy already. Before going back to our room, we went back to the same shop yesterday to buy 2 hotdogs and a cup of soft drink. We also went to McDonalds to buy some burgers and pies for tomorrow's breakfast. Today has been really tiring and itz time to get a good rest.
Chinese Version:
坐了五个小时的车程终于到Grand Canyon 了!之前在书本上看过Grand Canyon 的照片,也有听其他人说过这个地方。真的是百闻不如一见,真正看到的跟之前想像得真的很不一样。站在大峡谷的高处往向前方,看到的都是一座座的山。可想而知,它是多么的宏伟,壮观!往下看整个山谷,也是很漂亮但是有点可怕,如果真的一不小心跌下去,一定会没命!怕高的人应该不太敢靠近吧!!从来都没有机会看到这样的景色,这一次真的能体验到人类其实是多么的渺小!!

12 May 2006 (Friday): I’ll continue writing now because I’ve got nothing to do on the bus right now. Anything after this will be continued tonight or tomorrow.
8.50am: I slept really late last night so still feeling a bit tired this morning. We are leaving Las Vegas today so we are gonna check out now. Mum and dad went down to buy some souvenirs.
9.15am: The bus dropped us around MGM to take some photos but we didn’t really took much coz itz nicer with the lights on and we’ve been here last night. Brother took the time to go to the bus stop and managed to sell our bus ticket for $2 each (that was my idea)…Well, not bad!!
9.50am: We went on to Luxor Hotel to have a look and once again took some photos.
1o.40am: It was the end of our trip to Las Vegas and we are on the way back to LA. We’re going to travel for about 2 hours to reach our next stop, which is Barstow to grab our lunch. Itz really boring along the way because all I can see is desert and the weather out there is Hot!!
1.00pm: We stopped for lunch at Barstow again and we all had buffet. We also went into Levi’s shop to buy 2 jeans for bro. We left for LA at 3.2opm.
6.10pm: We reached Wyndham Hotel once again and checked-in to rest for a short while.
7.30pm: We went for a walk around our hotel and it was quite cold especially when night falls. We spent quite some time at ‘Shoe City’ but ended up buying nothing. After that, bro and I walked to a supermarket nearby to buy 2 loafs of bread.
9.15pm: We went back to our hotel to rest. We’ll be going to San Francisco tomorrow!!!
13.05.2006 (Saturday): It has been the 5th day of our trip in U.S. and everything has been great. Today is the start of our 3 days 2 nights tour to San Francisco. We’ve travelled a long journey today and most of the time, we were on the bus.
6.40am: We departed from Wyndham Hotel to San Francisco and the weather outdoor is quite cold. On the way, the bus stopped at several places to pick up other passengers.
8.00am: We started our journey and today’s tour is really full with 61 people on board.
12.10pm: The coach stopped for us to have lunch and mum and dad had Chinese food while bro and I went to a fast food booth to grab some hot dogs and burger.
1.00pm: We continued our journey and I took a short nap along the way.
4.30pm: We reached Yosemite National Park’s valley and stopped to take some photos. The scenery is really nice and all the trees are red wood. There are also 2 waterfalls around and the water is strong and white. We then went for another stop at another place and walked to the lower part of a waterfall. When we reach the bottom of the waterfall, it was freezing cold and we were all wet. The view was amazing and I liked the big splash of the water when it reached the ground.
5.40pm: We left Yosemite National Park and travelled 2 hours to go down the winding road. We continued our journey heading back to our hotel.
7.30pm: We stopped at McDonalds for dinner and then continued one and half hour journey to Oakland, San Francisco, where our hotel was located.
10.30pm: We reached our hotel, Crowne Plaza Hotel and had a good rest for the night. Tomorrow will be another long day…
Haha...filming MV???
Yosemite National Park
Waterfall - Yosemite National Park
14 May 2006 (Sunday): Today’s Mother’s Day and itz our 2nd day in San Francisco. We’ll be going for the city tour today and it’ll be another long day.
8.00am: We were late and were the last to board the bus this morning. We went to San Francisco and passed by the Bay Bridge. Our 1st stop was Chinatown.
8.50am: I could see lots of Chinese there and according to the tour guide, this is the 2nd largest Chinatown in US after New York. We didn’t join the others for breakfast but instead strolled around and bought 5 t-shirts and American Ginseng. Once again, we were the last to board the bus again!!
10.00am: Next, we went to Lombard Street which is a flower street. We had to hike for quite a distance to reach the place. The road was really steep and it was kinda tiring to climb up. However, we couldn’t see much flower there. The only special thing is that the road is so winding and itz the most crooked road in the world.
11.10am: After hiking up and down, we went on to the Palace of Fine Arts to take some photos. It’s just a building and nothing much to see.
11.40am: We then proceeded to Golden Gate Bridge to take some photos. Itz the same like what I saw on books and magazine so now I am seeing the real one!
1.00pm: We travelled for about 1 hour to get to Napa Valley which is famous for its wine. The landscape around the valley was beautiful but we couldn’t see any grapes yet because this is still not the season yet. We stopped for lunch and tasted some wines. We didn’t take any lunch but bought some ice-cream and also wines. We went back to San Francisco again at 2pm.
4.00pm: We arrived at Fisherman’s Wharf and because we decided to take the cruise, we bought the tickets and got the 4.30pm cruise. We sailed through Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz (an island used to be a prison). It was quite windy and cold on the cruise. It took us 1 hour for the ride before we were back at Pier 39.
5.30pm: While waiting to get back to our bus at 6pm, we walked around Pier 39 and bought a special bread called ‘Chowders’.
6.15pm: We didn’t join the others for dinner but went to a supermarket to buy another loaf of bread and also a wine. After that, we walked back to Pier 39 to look for some seafood for dinner.
7.45pm: There were too many restaurants to choose from and we ended up choosing Dante’s Crew. We had lobster, salmon, crab and some other food which I dunno the name. It was quite a rush coz we were short of time.
9.00pm: We boarded our bus and headed back to the hotel. What a tiring day!
San Francisco Chinatown & View of San Francisco from Bay Bridge
Napa Valley, Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf, Happy Mother's Day - Dante's Crew
15 May 2006 (Monday): We’re now back to LA after spending most of our time in the bus for the past 6 days. We have got 3 more days to go only for this US trip and itz kinda going too fast! Tomorrow, I’ll be having lots of fun at Disneyland!!!!
7am: We departed from our hotel and left San Francisco to take a long journey back to LA.
9.45am: We passed by Monterey Bay which was a beautiful district by the Pacific Ocean and there were quite a lot of yachts by the bay. After passing by Monterey Bay, we went on to 17 miles drive. It was a housing area which is also facing Pacific Ocean with a big golf course for the rich. It’s called 17 miles coz all the roads connecting every houses is as long as 17 miles. We stopped at 2 places to take some photos but it was so so freezing cold and windy so I got back to the bus pretty fast. There were also some mist around.
11.00am: After the 17 miles drive, we continued our journey and I managed to take a nap as there were some empty seats around.
12.40pm: We stopped for lunch and mum went for Chinese buffet again with brother while dad and I walked a distance to look for fast food and I had a sandwich with steak in it. Haha…I looked stupid coz there was a machine that dropped the change automatically but I didn’t know and didn’t get back my change until the next customer gave it to me.
1.30pm: We went back to our bus and continued our journey and I continued sleeping until the next stop.
4.00pm: After waking up, I took my time to study a little while listening to music.
7.00pm: We reached Wyndham Hotel again and after checking-in, we walked around and went to Farmer’s Market, Shoe City and Food 4 Less for some shopping. I got 2 more new sport shoes…1 Adidas and 1 Reebok…Yeah!!!
9.45pm: We went back to our hotel and had roast chicken, yoghurt, soft drinks and fruits that we bought just now for dinner.
12.47am: It’s bed time but I’m still watching Jay Leno’s show and saw Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest on the show. Good Nite!!

16 May 2006 (Tuesday):
Disneyland!!!! Itz a place where everyone dreams to go and I’m definitely looking forward to it!!
Well, Disneyland is a really large area with different themes such as Critter Island, Tomorrowland, Fantasy Land and….. We went to each of them by following the map given. One by one, we played every games except those that are too childish and from morning until it was closed at 9pm, we just kept on walking and playing without really stopping for meals.
The weather was still breezy and chilling in the morning but when it was noon, it was really sunny and hot and I was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt!! I was tanned again!! But when dawn falls, it was cold again.
Everything in Disneyland was really well maintained and it was very clean, even for old rides. Besides that, there were a few characters that came out to meet all the visitors and I managed to take some photos and autographs from Winnie The Pooh and friends, Mickey & Minnie and some others. Haha…I was like a kid!!
We had to queue for a while for every ride and luckily they were efficient enough so we need not wait too long. The people there were also very friendly and nice. I enjoyed seeing all the American kids because they’re so cute and adorable and itz fun playing with them.
There weren’t really any thrilling rides in Disneyland but there were still one or two which is really exciting. I’ll have to wait til tomorrow’s California Adventure for more thrilling rides!
In the evening, there was a parade in Disneyland with dance and music by all the Disney characters…nice!!
Disneyland is said to be the happiest earth on land and itz really true!!

Clockwise: Eeyore, Winnie The Pooh, Tigger, Minnie, Mickie & Goofy

Today, we went back to the same place as yesterday but we’re in a different theme park. We’re in California Adventure, just opposite Disneyland. We were a bit early when we reached and the door wasn’t opened yet.
Same like Disneyland, we had to use the map to walk around and our pace was slower today, I don’t know why, We spent the entire morning in just 2 places playing the same rides and watching some show which I thought was a bit too childish and took some photos and autographs of some characters.
Today’s weather was a bit better than yesterday because it was not as hot. Indeed, the rides here were much more exciting and awesome. I really had fun in those rides and I felt that it was not as scary as the ones in Genting. I guess itz because the rides here after safer.
We had a light lunch at McDonald’s, which was really expensive. We continued with other rides. We also watched some shows again.
We played every single rides except 4 or 5 which were meant for kids and by the time we decided to say goodbye to California Adventure, it was just 7 something.
We then walked to Downtown Disney to have a look at some shops and the people there and took the shuttle bus back at 8.15pm.
Mum and dad walked to a Chinese restaurant nearby and bought a lot of delicious food back and we had a sumptuous dinner!!
Tonight is our last night in US and we’ll be going back in a couple of hours more!!

Clockwise: Pluto, Hulk, The Incredibles & The Ants
18 May 2006 (Thursday):
Today’s our last day in US and we still have an entire day to go. We went to Kodak Theatre and Universal Studious.
We took some photos for a short while at around Kodak Theatre then proceeded to Universal Studios. Kodak Theatre is in fact the place where Oscar, American Idol Finale and many Hollywood events are held.
Universal Studios is not my favourite because I wasn’t really sure what to expect inside. It was sunny but windy so I wore my jacket all the time.
We watched a couple of shows and had a close look of how movies were shot and also the real set used in filming. However, I didn’t really enjoy the 3D shows coz it was almost the same for all. We also went for some rides but it wasn’t as fun compared to those we had for the past few days.
While waiting for our van to fetch us to the airport, we had our dinner at CityWalk. We had a delicious western dinner tonight!!
We reached the airport at about 8.30pm and we still had to wait until midnight so it’s gonna be boring.
Tomorrow…Should be the day after tomorrow coz time changes again. We’ll be in Taipei!! Here we come, Taipei!! Goodbye U.S!!!
Kodak Theatre
Universal Studios Hollywood
20-22 May 2006: 3D2N Taipei
We were so busy walking all around Taipei right after we landed in the early morning and plus the jet lag...everyone was extremely tired by night time on the 1st day. However we did went to a few places such as Longshan Temple, National Palace Museum, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei 101, Warner Village, Shih Lin Night Market and XiMenDing. Basically, we went to most of the place on the 1st day...and guess what...we all overslept til 11 something on the next day!! We also met up with mum's cousin and they gave us a treat for lunch...Yummy!! We took an early flight on May 22 and left Taipei to Penang. I really had lots of fun this trip and it's really an enjoyable and memorable trip!! :)
Taipei 101 & Warner Village