Band Formation Competition, Penang City Stadium, 16 June 2007
Jit Sin High School...Champion again~~!!

Nice Formations!!
The winning team...smiles of Victory!!
It has been 3 years since I left secondary school...itz kinda unbelievable that time passes by so fast!! Seeing our juniors performing in the state competition yesterday really brings back lots of memories of those days when we were one of those kids marching on the field. Really can't imagine that I could stand the afternoon sun...marching with just a cap on my head and getting so tanned last i would never do anything like that anymore now!!
Our school band has really improved a lot as compared to us 3 years the brand new uniform that looked so cool...I can say that they are the most outstanding team among all!! We...the ex-members of the school band...all in white shirts went to give our full support to our juniors. We were all so nervous when they were performing but I was indeed amazed by them!! Horn part is now using the new marching horn and not the French Horn that we used to use last time. The last time when we got champion for the 1st time 3 years ago, our juniors were still in Form 2...and now...they are all Form 5 already and Zhi Feng is the president too...
This is the 4th consecutive year that our school band won the title and this year is even better, they 'swept' all the awards (best preparation, best drum major and champion)....Fabulous!! Hope that I can go to Bukit Jalil on July 8 to support them in the national competition!! Well done guys!!
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