纵贯线Superband大马演唱会 @ Bukit Jalil Putra Stadium, 1 Aug 2009
It has been quite some time since the last time I watched a concert. Over the past 5 years, I've watched quite a number of concerts but I can't remember how many off the top of my head. Haha...guess I'm getting old! :p Looking back at my blog and some pictures...I figured out that this was the 9th concert that I've watched. I'm not a person who will spend money on concert tickets (coz I'm a poor student..hehe!), but I admit...I 'used' to be a contest freak...haha!! :p For all the concerts that I've watched in the past...I won the tickets through radio contests... ain't that awesome!! :) The 2 craziest experiences were winning 9 tickets for LeeHom's concert & winning a trip to Hawaii to watch Backstreet Boys!

Bro was busy 'reporting' to his gf...'beh tahan' this couple...haha!! :p
Big bro bought 2 tickets for this concert and was supposed to watch it with his girlfriend...but she couldn't make it coz of work, so bro asked me to watch with him. I can't believe the tickets are so expensive...RM224 and the seats are still so far from the stage!! Winning free tickets is definitely the way to go...haha!! :p
Based on my previous experiences of watching concert with bro, we usually ended up arriving 'just-in-time' because of using the wrong way. So this time, we left home 2.5 hours before the concert...and even though we were lost on the way...AGAIN...we still managed to arrive early...hahaha!! :p
Initially, I wasn't planning to watch this concert coz it is so-not-my-era!! The 4 singers...李宗盛,羅大佑,周華健,張震岳...I categorize them as 'uncles'...haha! 2 of them are even older than my dad...and their songs are older than me!! But at least some of their songs used to be very popular so I knew quite a number of them. That's one thing special about music...good songs never get old. The concert was actually pretty good and we all enjoyed all the songs. There were lyrics on the screen so the concert turned out to be like a huge karaoke especially when it comes to Emil Chau's songs.
We weren't supposed to record the concert so we 'curi-curi' took these videos. I spent some time combining all the videos and these are the best I could get...not very clear though.
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