Saturday, August 18, 2018

Spring 2018

Finally completed all trip reports from our 8D7N Iceland camper van adventure...phew!! Took 2 months but that's with all GoPro videos edited, not too bad actually. 

So what have we been up to since we got back from Iceland? Back to the grind, work hard and plan for the next adventure, rinse repeat. =P Hubby was down with shingles over the July 4th break so that wasn't a good break for him, but glad he has recovered. 

Here's a quick recap of our boring spring 2018:

We rarely eat out, so I could easily list out the places we went in the last 2 months...haha!

May 27 (Sun): Lunch at Logan's steakhouse before our flight to Iceland

June 25 (Mon): Thai food for dinner at Birmingham
July 22 (Sun): Father's day lunch at Red Lobster

July 30 (Mon): Dinner date at PF Changs to celebrate 10 years. Had our 1st date here. =P

Sunday meal prep routine...I'd rather spend 3 hours in the kitchen on Sunday and save time (and money) the rest of the week. 4th year doing this and still going strong...haha! I'm nowhere near a good chef, but I'm on a 'mission' to keep records of all my Sunday meal preps for the future. =P

June 10 (Sun): Campbell's wicked Thai-style soup is actually pretty good, just add in more rice and veggies and it's makes a lazy meal for two. Made my version of beef & broccoli, stir-fry veggies, and stir-fry egg with onion and mushrooms.

July 1 (Sun): Healthy immune-boosting food for the sick boy.

July 8 & 15 (Sun): Same same but different. :P

July 22 (Sun): Before, during, after. Bakuteh soup, stir-fry veggies, stir-fry egg with spinach, tom-ka soup with noodles.

July 29 (Sun): Stir-fry veggies, beef stew with potatoes, stir-fry eggs and spinach.

Aug 5 & 12 (Sun): Chicken rice, egg sandwich, pan-fried potatoes, stir-fry veggies, seafood curry with mussels, beef stew, pasta with white sauce.

At this point, you're probably do we eat the same thing over and over again and not get bored?? Answer: We're easily satisfied (at least we have food to eat). Besides, it's healthy and tasty, what's wrong with that? We're also trying very hard not to contribute to a higher rate on this chart. =P

Other random stuffs

June 18 (Mon): Absolutely honored to have my 'rookie' podcast interview with my favorite podcast - ChooseFI to talk about the Amazing Race, travels, and FI!! Big thanks to Jonathan and Brad for having me on!! Full disclosure: I refuse to listen to my own episode.

The power of ChooseFI...thanks for the traffic boost!! 

June 25 (Mon): Aloft Birmingham

Decided to move things around the house and turned our master room into the game room+hangout room+workstation. Using the smaller room as our bedroom instead. Spent an entire Saturday evening moving and organizing. =P

Game boy's prized possessions.