Friday, August 12, 2022

Spring/Summer 2022

Finally completed blogging all about my 2-month trip and it's time for a quick post-trip quarterly update. 

May 30 (Mon): Went for a walk around downtown Huntsville with mom on Memorial Day.

June 4 (Sat): Family time after being away for 2 months. 15 mths old nephew starting his baby steps!

July 4 (Mon): Belated birthday celebration for MIL during July 4th holiday.

July 23 (Sat): Another family birthday meet up, more pool time!

June 11 (Sat): Top Gun movie at Dennis and Lisa's awesome movie room. Dennis was in the Navy and used to work at Top Gun so it was cool to hear some of his stories. =)

Sept 24 (Sat): Visited Dennis and Lisa again for a dinner gathering.

Time for annual and bi-annual 'maintenance'. Traveled to Birmingham for my annual health exam, and went to the dentist for my bi-annual cleaning and check-up. Had to get a filling and a crown...whoopsie. =P

After returning from our Bora Bora trip, I got the updated booster for Covid 19 on Sept 9 and multiple vaccinations in preparation for my upcoming trip. Hubby also had a minor surgery on Sept 20.

This is totally random but my Maldives vlog hit 30K views after one year...still don't make any money though...haha!

Received a new luggage from United to replace my damaged luggage. I now have a full 'collection' of free luggages from airports / airlines. =P

Got this new sunglasses for free with my eye insurance. =)

New gadgets from work

Some of our recent purchases for our and video games. 

Activities with co-workers from US and India

Fall is coming!

And as usual, my weekly meal prep photo collection...

May 22 & 29 (Sun): Chicken herbal soup, bbq potato with sausage and meatball, stir-fry veggies, noodles with veggies and mussels, cilantro lime rice with pork, black beans, and tomatoes.

June 5 & 12 (Sun): Bakuteh with pork ribs, bbq potatoes with sausage, egg rolls,  stir-fry veggies, tomyum noodle soup with mussels, yellow rice with seasoned pork, and salad.

June 19 & 26 (Sun): Chicken herbal soup, pasta with baked chicken, stir-fry veggies, braised pork rice (lu rou fan), bbq potatoes with seasoned pork, and salad.

July 3 & 10 (Sun): Baked pork with rice, potato salad, stir-fry veggies, bakuteh with pork ribs, bbq potatoes with sausage, and salad.

July 17 & 24 (Sun): Tomyum noodle soup with mussels and veggies, pasta with meatballs, stir-fry veggies, pork porridge, rice and pork with bbq sauce, and salad.

July 31 & Aug 7 (Sun): Pork gumbo, potato soup with meatball and vegetables, tomyum soup with mussels and vegetables, salad, rice with baked pork. 

Aug 14 & Aug 21 (Sun): Bakuteh, pasta with sausage and meatball, stir-fry vegetables, braised pork rice, salad. 

Aug 28 & Sept 18 (Sun): Eggroll, mash potatoes, gumbo with sausage, salad, Bakuteh, yellow rice with chili bacon and minced meat, stir-fry vegetables. 

Sept 25 & Oct 2 (Sun): Gumbo with sausage and mussels, salad, yellow rice with pork loin in bbq sauce, tomyum with mussels and veggies.

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