Re-visiting New York & DC ~ 16-19 March 2009
Whoops...I'm lagging behind on my updates...AGAIN!!! :p Nothing much have been goin' on with school lately, juz usual routine. It still takes me forever to combine my pics...haha...took too many pictures. I really love my new camera!!! :) Spring break was 2 weeks ago and most people went to the beaches, but I traveled up north to New York & Washington DC for the chilly weather instead...haha!! I've been to NY & DC last December but the main reason this time was to attend the World Learning Global UGRAD Re-Entry Workshop in DC.
I am a city lover. I love skyscrappers & the hustle & bustle of city life...but of course there're still some aspects that I don't like. I've been to big cities like Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, LA...and New York City!! I love NY and I was really excited the first time I went. I don't know why but I wasn't as excited this time, I guess itz coz I've been to most attractions already. As compared to NYC...DC is a nicer city.

Me, Uyanga & Htet flew from Huntsville to DC Ronald Reagan airport...transit at Detroit.

Arrived Washington DC & walked around Chinatown.

Chinese food for dinner...we ate as slow as we could to kill time while waiting to board our bus to NY at 11pm...hehe!!

Grand Central Station at 8am rush hour...women & 'men in black' suits...looked so pro...this is NY!!

St. Patrick's Day Parade...the marching bands were much better than the ones I saw during Mardi Gras.
The Apple Store in NY...I want everything here can cool la!!

'Over-working' my awesome camera in Central Park...such a nice park in the middle of this big likey likey!!

"Pretty woman...walking down the streets...pretty woman...JULIA ROBERTS~!!" Oh yeah oh yeah...I can't believe we were soooo lucky to see Julia Roberts at Broadway...she was there for the 'Late Show with David Letterman'...that was sooo awesome!!

Dim Sum for brunch at was sooo good!! 6 items for $36...equals RM126...for 2 person only...OMG~~!!

It took us more than an hour to walk across Brooklyn Bridge...coz we stopped every 5 steps to take pictures...hehe!! :p
Check out this link for more pics:

Walking around NYC on nasty rainy day...introducing the 'latest fashion for 2009' in front of Times Square NYC.
I've only managed to finish combining the NY pictures...still lots more updates for the Re-Entry workshop in DC. Stay tuned! :) Time is now the last month of our program and most of my friends in UAH will be flying back home on Apr 30. Feels like it was just not long ago when we 1st arrived...doesn't seem like 8-months have passed!! This month-end is gonna be filled with mixed emotions...this UGRAD journey have been a fulfilling experience for everyone of us. :)
Nice Nice!!
Love it...
Now I can save my energy to blog about that d...arigato gozaimasu!!
I was just back from my camp...OMG! Less than 4 weeks of class...and finals...then balik kampung...
Everyone asked me how I felt...hmmm...not too sad...not too happy...cham liao la...
Next time, we should stop every 10 steps for picture...ok?
Liao horr...FULFILLING...and FUNFILLING...hehe...
You lazy bum bum!! What you did at the camp? Yea...get ready to balik kampung liao...u'd better start packing your pretty sure u're gonna go overweight. I said d ma...mixed emotions...haha!! Crazy 1 u...nex time dunit to take pic liao la...same thing only. :p
haha... you know what, when i saw the dimsum price, it reminds me of one thing.
chinese are the best business man in food! No wonder the price is so high! Haha.. I supposed to be proud of that fact?? We should be glad that chinese food in Penang still very cheap. :)
yaya, i tell people that my hometown still can get a bowl of noodle at 2.00 ringgit. they were looking at me with wide opened eyes!
oh gosh. browsing through ur photos just make ppl become more envy of ur awesome life there! hahaha.. anyway, glad that u enjoy so much. Welcome back to kl SOON~..haha. take care ya
I'll be the one who'll be envy when ya'll go to UK...hehe!! Hope to cya soon when I get back!! Good luck in exams yea!!
Such a nice post!!! I like ur blog very much... like a complete travel log...haha....Hope I've the chance to travel like u :)
Hey Wilson! Thanks for dropping by my blog. =) I have short term memory so gotta use a blog to help me rmb all the places I've been to. :p Yees I'm sure u'll have more chance to travel sooooon!!
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