Here comes my long update about what I was up to back in December. For the first half of December, I was busy with work and for the second half of the month, I was busy hosting Daniel & his mom in Penang. Luckily dad, mom, and bro were awesome tour guides and helped to bring 'em around Penang while I was rushing to finish up my work before Christmas. =) This was Daniel's 2nd trip to Malaysia (he was here for the first time 2 years ago) but it was his mom's first time in about culture!! At least she's quite adventurous so her biggest culture shock was probably the ridiculous amount of food that my bro and dad can eat...hahaha!! =P

15 December 2012: After traveling 40 hours across the globe, they finally arrived Penang with their check-in bags still stuck in Singapore. After resting for an afternoon, we started overwhelming them with yummy-licious Tambun seafood! =P

Got these pics from bro's fb coz I haven't copied the pics from him. They did a pretty good job covering so many places within 2.5 days!!

Thanks Donna for the lovely presents!! Love the cool SwitchFlops and sand dollars from Fort Myers!! =)

20 Dec 2012: Dad, mom, and bro continued to be the tour guide as all of 'em flew one day before me to Langkawi. Thank y'all for helping me to host!! =)

21 Dec 2012: Finally completed my work and it's vacation time!! =) Thanks to Daniel and Donna, I had the chance to stay in Meritus Hotel in Langkawi...very nice hotel overlooking the beach!!! Perfect place to chillax and enjoy the sun, sea, sand!!

22 Dec 2012: Itinerary for the day was to take the cable car in Langkawi, not knowing that there would be a surprise for me. =P

We arrived around 9 something and the queue was already quite long. The queue wasn't moving at all coz the cable car service couldn't start due to strong winds. We ended up waiting for 2 hours just to get on the cable car. Someone was almost freakin' out coz his plan would be screwed if the cable car doesn't!!
Nice views from the cable car!!! Daniel is kinda scared of heights so the cable car ride definitely wasn't a pleasant one for!!

Here comes the story. =P There are actually 2 stations for this cable car ride. All of us took a cable car from the ground station and everyone else got off at the 1st station apart from Daniel & I. So as we continued our cable car ride from the 1st to top station, he took out a photobook that he made from his backpack and asked me to read it. ♥ The content in the photobook was basically our story and the things we've done together since we first met in my UAH dorm back in Fall 2008. I'm quite impressed coz this is the first photobook that he made and it looked very nice!! =) As I was slowly flipping through the pages, we saw that we were approaching the station so he made me close the book first coz we had to get off the cable car. He didn't expect that the distance between the 1st and 2nd station to be so!! We went over to the viewing platform and I continued flipping through the photobook and the 'important' question was printed on the last 2 pages. He then took out the ring from his backpack and popped that very 'important' question. Even though he was nervous, he still managed to say his 'script'...I was touched. =P And of course my answer was YES...hehe!! Here comes the funny part, as he was trying to take out the ring from the box, I realized that there were gaps in between the planks of the platform so I quickly asked him to put keep the ring in the box so that we don't risk dropping it...hahaha!! Yes I'm that practical and realistic...didn't mean to spoil the romantic mood!! He then took out another box of present...yes the proposal present came in a 'package' (photobook+ring+ipad)...he definitely put in a lot of effort and thoughts for this proposal...thank you bby!! Love you!! ♥

Continued enjoying the breathtaking views after the proposal. Good job bby for picking a place with such beautiful view for our 'special' moment. =)

Made our way down the mountain on the cable car after taking in all the stunning views. Dad, mom, and bro flew back in the afternoon while we stayed on for few more days.
So here are the 'packaged' proposal presents. He said that he spent hours picking out the!! Thanks likey the's gorgeous!! ♥
Had dinner at the hotel restaurant coz we were all too lazy to go out. Daniel and his humongous!!
Beautiful day to chillax in the pool
Thanks to Donna for arranging this lovely sunset dinner to celebrate our engagement. =)

26 Dec 2012: Took a week off from turn to be the tour guide. =P Went around Penang (literally) stopping by Straits Quay, Tropical Spice Garden, Batik Factory, Teluk Bahang, and ended the day with dinner at Khun Thai.
29 Dec 2012: Traveled down to KL with 'em and stayed in Traders Hotel. =)

30 Dec 2012: Woke up at 3.30am to accompany my boy to his 25km marathon in Kinrara. He was supposed to do a full marathon in Huntsville before this trip but couldn't do it because he hurt his knee earlier but somehow he managed to find this marathon in KL and decided to do a marathon here. =P
Right after the race started at 5.30am, we went back to the car and slept for 2 more hours before going back to the the finish line to wait for him to complete his run. He completed his run in 2hr 27min...good job bby!! ♥
Met up with Josh and Shalinni for some drinks at Marini's on 57 (nice view of the city) & Indonesian food for dinner at Bumbu Desa. It was great to meet up with 'em after 1.5 yrs. =)
Congratulation on your engagement =D
Thanks!! =)
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