Getting bored of Ireland posts yet?? If yes then too bad...coz I'm still not done with all the pics yet. :p Anyway, it's weekend again!! But this weekend I'm going nowhere...wanted to go for Cambridge trip but it's full so nvm. Attended first week of classes this far so good...our professors are also really nice! :)
June 19 (Sat): Dublin
Took a bus from Belfast to Dublin on Saturday morning...bout 2 hours journey. Northern Ireland & Ireland is actually 2 different countries...that means our bus crossed the border from UK to Ireland.
Arrived Dublin city at about 10.30am

Juz some pics of random buildings. We were supposed to drop our bags at the hostel first but were given the wrong direction by 2 Irish...ended up carrying my 10kg backpack walking around the city for 10 hours! =.=
Dublin Trinity College
Heard of St Patrick's Day? This is St. Patrick's Cathedral...niceee!
More cathedrals & churches?? I think I can start using the 'ABC Framework' soon...Another Boring Cathedral...haha!! :p
The most famous thing in Dublin is of course...Guinness!!! I'm not a fan of stout but since we're already here...of course we didn't wanna miss it!
Honestly, I wasn't very interested in the process of making Guinness...Barley, Wheat, Hops, Water...bla bla bla...these exhibits are at least a lil' more interesting.
I guess a lot of people drink Guinness but doesn't know where it comes u know the answer is Dublin, Ireland! And surprisingly, Malaysia appeared for the Asia/Pacific region!!
Waiting for our turn to learn to pour our own pint of Guinness...muz follow the steps also!
My turn!! That's the one I poured...not bad yea!
We got a certificate for pouring a perfect pint of Guinness...hahaha!!
The Graviti Bar filled with visitors
Our lunch at a small local bar...forgot what I ordered....something beef with Guinness.
Dublin Castle
Jump shots at Dublin Castle...other people might think that we were crazy. The top 2 'failed' jumpshots are soooo funny!! WeyShin's face is constantly covered by her scarf, JiaRong had 1 nice one, Joshua 2nd pic is hilarious!! The last pic is awesome...karate kid!
The famous 'overpriced' Temple Bar. There was a cycling race going on so it was a lil' crowded.
Some interesting things in the city. Ireland leprechaun, Eco Cab, army tanks, horse carriage
Mount Eccles Hostel...were here for only few hours just to sleep before catching our early flight to Liverpool the next morning. Josh said he didn't manage to sleep well coz a couple was making some 'interesting' sound effects...erm...u can ask him bout it or let your imaginations run wild. :p
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Nice blog.....liked it:-)
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