As I've mentioned before, I was busy helping out with bro's wedding right after I got back from UK. But apart from that, I was also busy clearing up my bedroom coz our house was repainted, so I took the opportunity to make some changes to my room. This post is just to share some pictures of some new additions to our home...good to see everything looking new again after 10 years. :) I'll update about bro's wedding-related stuff in my next post.
'Chiak ba sio eng' made this huge postcards poster for my table coz I don't know where to keep all the postcards that I bought. =.= Kinda regret that I made 2 of these coz it makes my room look like a travel agency now! =.=
My 'world' collection corner. Juz some random things that our family have been collecting from different parts of the world.
Another collections corner (clockwise)...Barbie, Pooh, Disneyland, Radio contest freak, souvenirs.
My newly arranged bedroom...minus the mess coz bro was busy working on his wedding stuff.
Some new furnitures for the living room.
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