Yeaaa....after 'hibernating' my brain for a year...itz time to get back serious with studies. Classes started last Monday and it marked the beginning of a challenging year ahead. I'm not exaggerating, just look at any AFA2 students during exam season...all you can see are 'zombies'...hehe!! One of my lecturers 'warned' us during the first lecture..."To go through AFA2, you'll have to be very strong physically, mentally, and emotionally". We're already overloaded with tutorials after the first week of classes...wth! Taking 3 subjects this semester...each with 8 hours of classes per week...24 hours!?!? Itz double the amount of classes that I had in US!!! No fun!! :(
This time, Rachel & I are the 'special' ones coz we are the only 2 who deferred our studies for a year and came back to join the juniors. Out of 320 students, I only know few of the juniors...I'm 'nobody' pity! :p Last year, I attended classes at the beginning of the semester and I got to know some of the lecturers and tutors. The lecturers have changed this year, but at least 2 out of 3 still remembered me. Well...I don't know if that's a good thing though...coz asked me to go to the front of the lecture to answer a question...and I've totally forgotten what I memorized a year ago!! Oh my 'siasui'! :p

Our lecture hall was so full....320 students!! I've never noticed that the way I write looks so weird...hahaha!!
Why so serious??
Take it easy...hehe...
All d best in your new semester!
24 hours of tut and lec seems crazy. I still think overseas studies are the best! Less hours and classes... No welcome party for you by AFA2?? LoL!
All the best and have fun for the final year in TAR.
Yea la PhuiSan...such a hugeee difference studying overseas and here. By the time reach home already so to study wor.:( Hehe...I'm 'nobody' now...AFA2 juniors don't know me...luckily...haha!!!
Dear courserep.. y u sit last few rows ah? that is my usual place wo.. u should sit infront la... haha
Haha...I finally managed to avoid sitting in front!! Now I just randomly sit wherever...many ppl wanna sit in front 1 ler...don't wanna go so early to book the seats...hehe!!
looks so terrible in the DK la...
and the one sat beside u already with full text book on the table... siao meh!!!! relax man....
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