Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is my current Facebook profile pic...I love it coz it's filled with energy and joy. Seems like I've lost this kinda feeling for quite some time already...perhaps since August? Even one of my lecturer noticed and I thought it was funny when she asked if we wanted to hear something 'honest'. She said that when I first came back and started the semester in May, I looked fresh and the semester went by...I looked all worn-out and tired. This is really true...haha!! No had been quite a stressful semester...partly because of the tough subjects, partly also because I have high expectations of myself.

I've always set high expectations for myself and I believe that this attitude has brought me to where I am today. I read this from an article by Elizabeth J. Agnew: "Having high expectations will drive excellent results...having expectations gives us resilience and a library of life experience to grow with...we use expectations as a tool in striving to be our best by setting our bar high enough to create challenge." But, expectations can also lead to disappointment. As the saying goes, "The higher the expectations the greater the disappointment". Sometimes I wonder, wouldn't our lives be easier without them?

It is disappointing and de-motivating when hard work doesn't pay off and we'll start pondering what went wrong. In fact, we don't have to demand for answers all the time...all that matters is that we've given our best shot. The next thing to do is to get over it and try harder next time.

Life is filled with ups and downs...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? So the next time life throws you lemons, make lemonade out of it!!


Jaime Montoya said...

I really liked this post. It is totally true everything you say. This has helped me to meditate on this important aspect of life: expectations. Great post.

~Live Life~ said...

This is a great post that should be read by everyone...=)

It's great to have expectations...maybe I would put it as hope...don't give yourself too much pressure...but have hope...

Expectations sound a bit heavy sometimes...look at it as a target...if u missed a bit, you are still on the way there...

Good luck in your upcoming ACCA exams! said...

Thanks for the compliments...juz sharing some thoughts.

Expectation is a lil different from hope coz hope doesn't necessarily drive excellent results.

You can 'hope' and maybe do nothing to achieve what you want....but by having 'expectations', you'll push urself to achieve what u want.

Well...let's 'add oil' together for our exams la...few more mths to go!!

L said...

well, nt to say not gd to hav expectation, but well, sometime i wish i could believe that, high expectation will lead to good result......hehe, ok la, good luck in ur exams ba.......

belz said...

thanks for sharing this post :)